Resurrected Entertainment

Building Software with DOSBox?

May 12, 2008

DOSBox LogoI have written about DOSBox in the past and I have nothing but good things to say about it. It’s a great project whose people continue to push for greater compatibility, speed and functionality. Over the weekend, I tried to use DOSBox as a development environment for compiling DOS applications using the DJGPP 32-bit compiler and associated development suite such as RHIDE, Allegro, GRX libraries, etc.

Sadly, it didn’t work out so well since a number of common tools simply didn’t function that well in v0.72. I’m not terribly disappointed, since the emulator takes forever to compile a project in its environment, and wouldn’t be suiteable for long term development. I’m raising the issues here in case anyone tries to use DOSBox in the same way.

First, let’s talk about what did work. DJGPP for starters. It works just fine; albeit, the compilation and linking process does take a while. Some might argue that this is all you need to develop a project, and while that might technically be true, it certainly doesn’t work out for anyone trying build something more than a “Hello World!” application.

So, what didn’t work? Well, I tried four different editors: edit (the one which ships with your MS-DOS operating system), TDE (Thomson-Davis Editor – one of my favourites), MEL (Multi-Edit Lite – another great little editor), and RHIDE (the development environment which you can install alongside DJGPP). I didn’t try VI/VIM, but I might sometime later just because I’m curious.

First out of the gates, Edit simply wasn’t suitable in an environment where tab characters are important. It simply replaces them with spaces and continues on its way. Too bad since the editor is simple and to the point. Although, it really isn’t a good solution since it lacks one of the most basic development features like syntax highlighting.

DJGPP makefiles will not tolerate spaces when there should be tab characters. No, it’s not being quirky, it’s in the POSIX standard after all but it doesn’t make it any less annoying. So, the solution is to switch to an editor which respects tab characters and does not try to convert them to nasty spaces. So I jumped to a more sophisticated editor: TDE. Sadly, I was let down again, due to a bug (could be within TDE or DOSBox) where the cursor was not visible while using the editor. It was a little like fumbling in the dark trying to find that blasted light switch.

After some research I found MEL, so I installed it and tried it out. The editor was well laid out, the cursor showed up, and it respected my tab characters. Super, finally something I can use! Alas, I soon discovered that our relationship would never last. You see, MEL doesn’t use tab characters out of the box, you need to turn it on through one of the configuration dialogs. No problem, right? Well, it doesn’t seem to remember the setting once you save it, so you need to set it every… single… time you load the editor. Hrrmph.

“Well, it’s time to bring out the big guns!” I thought. I had used RHIDE in previous development projects and found the environment quite enjoyable for the larger ones. I typed in the command to fire it up and… whammo! Congratulations, it’s a bouncing baby SEGFAULT. Sigh. I don’t know about you, but four editors is enough experimentation for one day. If you find an editor which works well and meets my humble requirements, please post it in the comments.

Anything missing which should be added? Well, you’ll certainly want to add in some basic DOS utilities such as XCOPY, DELTREE, ATTRIB, and what not. It will make your life much easier. It would also be great for DOSBox to incorporate a configuration reload command, so you don’t need to exit the emulator in order to reload the preferences file. For now, I’m going to use one of my older development boxes for this software project, and stick with DOSBox to run my games.

2 Responses to “Building Software with DOSBox?”

MikeT wrote a comment on September 9, 2009

I know this is an old post but no one else has replied

Try using Pedit – it works for me

Scott Duensing wrote a comment on March 10, 2010

Change DOSbox from the recompiling CPU core to the “normal” core. RHIDE and a lot of other tools will run. Slower, but it works!

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