Game Member List

This is the complete list of members for Game, including all inherited members.

add_resource(const char *name, const char *str, int num)Game
add_shape(const char *name, int shapenum)Game
centerxGame [protected]
centeryGame [protected]
clear_avname()Game [static]
clear_avsex()Game [static]
clear_avskin()Game [static]
clear_jive()Game [inline]
create_game(Exult_Game mygame, const char *title=0)Game [static]
editing_flagGame [protected, static]
emanGame_singletons [protected, static]
end_game(bool success)=0Game [pure virtual]
expansionGame [private, static]
game_typeGame [private, static]
gametitleGame [private, static]
gclockGame_singletons [protected, static]
get_avname()Game [static]
get_avsex()Game [static]
get_avskin()Game [static]
get_game_type()Game [inline, static]
get_gametitle()Game [inline, static]
get_resource(const char *name)Game
get_shape(const char *name)Game
get_start_tile_x()=0Game [pure virtual]
get_start_tile_y()=0Game [pure virtual]
get_ticks()Game [inline, static]
gmapGame_singletons [protected, static]
gumpmanGame_singletons [protected, static]
has_expansion()Game [inline, static]
init(Game_window *g)Game_singletons [static]
is_editing()Game [inline, static]
is_new_game()Game [inline, static]
jiveGame [protected]
menu_mouseGame [private]
menushapesGame [protected]
new_game(Vga_file &shapes)=0Game [pure virtual]
new_game_flagGame [private, static]
palGame_singletons [protected, static]
partymanGame_singletons [protected, static]
play_audio(const char *archive, int index)Game
play_flic(const char *archive, int index)Game
play_intro()=0Game [pure virtual]
play_midi(int track, bool repeat=false)Game
resourcesGame [private]
set_avname(char *name)Game [static]
set_avsex(int sex)Game [static]
set_avskin(int skin)Game [static]
set_jive()Game [inline]
set_new_game()Game [inline, static]
set_ticks(unsigned int t)Game [inline, static]
shapesGame [private]
show_credits()=0Game [pure virtual]
show_journey_failed()=0Game [pure virtual]
show_menu(bool skip=false)Game
show_quotes()=0Game [pure virtual]
smanGame_singletons [protected, static]
ticksGame [private, static]
top_menu()=0Game [pure virtual]
topxGame [protected]
topyGame [protected]
ucmachineGame_singletons [protected, static]
~Game()Game [virtual]

Generated on Mon Jul 9 14:52:33 2007 for ExultEngine by  doxygen 1.5.1